2s Class
Ages 2
Welcome parents to the two’s class.
“While most people find the twos terrible, we at Love & Care find them TERRIFIC!”
Are you ready?
Despite the rumors you hear about the “terrible twos”, you will see the most growth during this age. Your child is ready to learn new things, explore the world around them, and be proactive on their learning. Are you ready? Because they sure are!
We strive to develop interdependence as well as independence; we want children to learn the skill of helping others as well as themselves. Social skills, as well as expressive & receptive language, are pivotal for communication during this year of growth and development. At this age, we will help guide your child by assisting them to understand how to express and communicate their feelings, participate in group activities, and make decisions. Our primary goal for learning starts with observations; from here we are able to combine developmentally appropriate experiences with age-appropriate outcomes in order to create a curriculum. Some of the many primary learning objectives that naturally occur in the classroom are primary color recognition, counting sequentially, basic shape identification, fine motor movement and large body movement. We will also explore various cultures around the world, participate in science experiments and cooking projects.